A man searches the earth looking for the perfect dog. By chance, I was blessed that Stinky Cash found me. A speckled English Pointer pup with 37 field trial champions in lineage. Stinky was purchased by a bird dog friend of mine looking for a true field trial dog. When he got home he realized Stinky Cash was a deaf pup. When I saw Stinky Cash, I immediately fell in love with the little fellow and decided to purchase him and he would be what he would be. All he wanted to do was point at a feather attached to a fishing pole. When he was 5 months old, I got a call from the late Robin Gates, the great dog trainer from South Georgia. He trained the famous Shadow Oak Bo. Robin was interested in Stinky Cash, he told me "that I was not supposed to have that high-powered of a dog". He also said, "that his family had trained dogs in South Georgia and Canada for 82 years and he had never trained a deaf dog". Robin and I made a deal and Stinky Cash went to Canada for Bird Camp in the summer of 2019. Sadly, it was Robin Gates' last trip. He passed away in February 2020. Robin's dream of learning one more thing, "what a deaf dog loses with no hearing, he makes up with his cannon nose." Stinky cash is all business! Come follow along one day behind the greatest bird dog that I will probably ever have the opportunity to handle. I guarantee that Stinky Cash will put a show on for you!
Em, is a six year old female English Field Cocker. I have been wanting an English Cocker for several years. Last Fall, Andy Hay at Riverview Plantation in Camellia, Georgia hooked me up with the perfect bird flushing machine. Em is a lover and stays close to your foot until the bird dogs go on point and she becomes a rocket in the cover flushing the birds so you can get that perfect shot. Come on out and I guarantee she will win your heart with her bird drive and retrieving skills.
Sweetie, is a seven year old female English Setter. (Grand-daughter of Shadow Oak Bo). I acquired Sweetie from a great bird dog man, with whom I do a lot of dog trading. He told me before I unloaded her off his truck that I was going to fall in love with her and want to keep her. Well, the old boy was correct. Sweetie has been on my string ever since. Sweetie does it all and keeps her pace and soon picks up where the other dogs need her to be. Sweetie and Stinky Cash are the perfect brace of dogs.
Dan and his crew of bird guides have many years of experience. Each one of the guides has their own string of dogs that have run on some of the finest pine woods in Eastern, North Carolina. Each guide is pleasant, has their own stories of dogs, life and the good Ol' days.
Dan can help you find the perfect dog. Whether it's a pup, started dog, or dead broke hunting companion. Dan is well connected with some of the best dog trainers in the southeast. If he doesn't have what you're looking for, he can find the right dog for you.
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