Any of the following rules that are not followed will be grounds for immediate expulsion from the shooting range.
If you have consumed alcohol within eight hours or under the influence of prescribed or illegal narcotics, you will not be allowed to shoot on the ranges.
Treat every firearm as if it were loaded even after you have determined it is unloaded.
Never point the firearm at anything you do not intend to shoot.
Keep your finger straight and off of the trigger until you are on your target ready to fire.
If your firearm has a safety, keep the safety engaged until you are ready to fire.
Know your target and always consider its background.
All personnel on the course must wear protective shooting glasses and ear protection at all times.
No Handguns allowed on Sporting Clay Courses.
All Shooters will receive a Range Safety Brief.
The ONLY time a gun is to be loaded is while in a shooting station and the muzzle must be forward of the shooting platform.
When not shooting, the guns action must be open.
At NO time will a shooter load more than two shells in a shotgun.
The only shot size permitted is # 7 1/2, 8 & 9.
Practice swings behind any station are prohibited.
While waiting your turn, be certain that you are safely behind the shooter and clear of his/her field of vision.
At no time is a shooter to attempt to repair a machine. Shoot the remaining targets from the other machine and report to the staff at the completion of the round.
Park the golf carts as far left or right of the cart path so the staff can get by you if needed.