Drake Landing has partnered with the Wounded Warriors Program from Fort Bragg to allow our veterans the opportunity to hunt. Due to this partnership, all deer hunting dates for this season have been reserved.
- No one will be allowed hunting if alcohol has been consumed eight hours prior to your scheduled hunt, to include prescribed or illegal narcotics.
- Treat every firearm as if it were loaded even after you have determined it is unloaded.
- Never point the firearm at anything you do not intend to shoot.
- Keep your finger straight and off of the trigger until you are on your target ready to fire.
- If your firearm has a safety, keep the safety engaged until you are ready to fire.
- Know your target and always consider its background.
- Blaze orange will be required as outlined by North Carolina state law mandates.
- If any Drake Landing personnel feels that their lives or the customer lives are in danger, the hunt will immediately end and no refunds will be given.
- All persons in the field must wear protective shooting glasses and ear protection at all times.